She is here!!!! Adelle was born Wednesday February 16, 2011 at Utah Valley Hospital at 7:48 PM. She weighed 6 LBS 14 OZ, and was 19 inches long. We named her Adelle Sue, but Ross has already affectionatley started to call her Addie Sue. We LOVE the name Adelle and went with Sue as a tribute to both of the Grandma's in her life. (Ross's mom's name is Susan but many call her Sue, and my mother's middle name is Sue).
She is just beautiful and so sweet. We LOVE her little high pitched squeal, and can't wait to continue learning more and more about her. She has obviously been anxious to get here because my mom came into town with Ethan on Tuesday night, and Wednesday was officially the day I was allowed off of bed rest, and she came that very day.
I woke up Wednesday morning at 5 AM very sick to my stomach, and started throwing up. I had a doctors appointment already scheduled for 4:20 PM that day, so I called to see if they could bump me any earlier. They said the only other time they could see me was 11:30 AM, so I switched my appointment. The rest of that morning I began to have contractions, like I have been having for months now, except they were finally starting to feel more regular and way more intense. I also began having back labor contractions. Some of you might have experienced back labor, but with Ethan I never did so this was a new, and not so pleasant experience for me. I began to have that feeling in my gut, the one that is telling you that today IS the day. Just to be sure though, I lectured Ross and my mother the whole way to the doctor that we needed to have positive thinking without ANY doubtful thoughts. In fact, I think I told them that if either one of them were doubting that today was the day, they needed to get out of the car and walk because we needed to have positive thinking!
When we got to the doctor, it was very quick. He checked my cervix, which was dialated to a four, and said go ahead and head down to the hospital, and he would follow us over and break my water and we could get going! We were ecstatic, and just when we thought wow that was easy, Dr. Holmes came back and said he just rechecked my chart, and I tested positive on the strep test. I thought, ok now what? He explained that we had to go down to the hospital and get started on an antibiotic. We had to have two doses, but the doses had to finish four hours apart. Then, he said, he would come down and break the water.
Everything went smoothly after that. It was amazing to me though how much more present I felt with this second delivery. I could FEEL so much more and was invested in ways I couldn't have been with the first because it was my first. I don't remember feeling ANY contractions with Ethan, and the pushing being so painful, but with Adelle, I was TOTALLY feeling contractions and pushing was such a relief! All I know is if that was contractions with an epidural, I never want to know what they are like without. For those of you that can, YOU GO!!!
Adelle came out in THREE contractions. It was amazing! Not that it wasn't hard, because it was, but compared to the 2 hours of pushing with Ethan, I was amazed. She was beautiful right from the get go! No conehead, or any signs of anything.
Anyway, we love her and are so excited for her to be here. Ethan LOVES her. He loves to give her kisses, and tickle her. He does very good at taking care of her. We are also so grateful to all our friends and family who have been helping us through this crazy time. We could not have done it without you!
(Addie's coming home outfit)
She is gorgeous!
Congratulations Michelle (and Ross), she's beautiful!
I cant' wait for her to meet her FAVORITE aunt. Sorry girls I claimed dibs
Oh she is so adorable! Love all the pictures! Congratulations!
OOOOOOHH!!! I just love this little person!
Rachel, you're too late. I already told her I'm her favorite. :)
Congratulations you guys!!!! She is so cute!!!!! Can't wait to meet her. :) Hope all is well adjusting to two. I'm a little nervous myself. :)
Yea! Thanks for all the pictures!! So happy for you all!! Congratulations! She's beautiful!!
I told her months ago! and maybe even eternities ago!
We are so happy for you guys! CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is completely beautiful and job well done Michelle! We love you Boothes!!!
Michelle & Ross (& Ethan :)) Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful! I love hearing all about how she was born. Those first days are so magical, aren't they?! I hope you are recuperating well and that having 2 is wonderful!
She is beautiful. We can't wait to meet her.
I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations!!! :)
She is so darling! Congratulations!!!
yay!! congratulations! thanks for posting your whole story. when people don't tell the birth story i feel like i'm missing something! :) i had the same almost-fainting thing right AFTER i had abbie. same thing i'm sure... dehydration. i got some juice in me and perked up. scary in the moment though! she is absolutely beautiful! i love her face in the picture over your shoulder. SOOO sweet!!
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